Ergonomics & Work Stations
& Work Stations
Safety, Guarding & Enclosures
Safety, Guarding
& Enclosures
Lean Production & Continuous Improvement
Lean Production
& Continuous Improvement
Machine Structures & Robot Stands
Machine Structures
& Cabins
Material Handling: Racks, Carts & More
Material Handling:
Racks, Carts & More
& Platform

Our pre-configured Solutions

item example applications are a source of inspiration and a basis for your own projects.

You can use the designs as the starting point for customized racks, trolleys and tugger trains.

Applications that are labelled accordingly can be opened in the item Engineeringtool,
which provides an especially convenient way to design your own solutions

Have a project in the pipeline
but not sure where to start?

Get in touch with an item Expert to make progress on your project.

Phone #:   +1 800 683 3979
Email:         sales@item24.us

Access the latest in innovation

Cobots Bring an Extra Dimension to Industry

Cobots Bring an Extra Dimension to Industry

The arrival of lightweight robots that are considerably cheaper and easy to integrate is now bringing these applications within the reach of SMEs, too.
Collaborative robots (cobots) are also being used more and more often in special applications.

How ergonomically do companies work in manual production?

How ergonomically do companies work in manual production?

An analysis of the current situation, and potential for optimization to increase efficiency and improve employee satisfaction.

Why there’s no avoiding digitalization

Why there’s no avoiding digitalization

Discover the advancements made to digitalization in the mechanical engineering sector.
The opportunities, and requirements, that come with digital engineering for companies.

Cobots Bring an Extra Dimension to Industry Intralogistics in the automotive industry

Intralogistics in the automotive industry

Keen to establish a culture of improvement?
Discover in this free whitepaper how you can systematically optimize your intralogistics using customized factory equipment.

Innovation and Expertise
from the source

Browse the item Blog to discover the latest in robotic applications, digitalization in engineering,
and more – as well as the latest case studies and
whitepapers available for free.

One-on-One Engineeringtool Training

One-on-One Engineeringtool Training

We can arrange a customized one-on-one training
in the item Engineeringtool
with an Expert ideally suited for
your needs.

Project Support

Project Support

Benefit from our outstanding customer service.
Experienced item Experts will work to support you
in creating
customized solutions.

What can we do for you?

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